Sensory Bottle

Little hands and little developing minds love items with texture, colour, patterns, things that make noise, feel warm, cool, rough and smooth, slimey and…well you get the picture, so, every week I try to add something new to her collection of sensory items, whether it’s new items on her board, new bottles/jars filled with bits or baskets filled with all manner of goodies and more. This morning whilst I was rustling up some breakfast for us (Lizzie had Banana Porridge, I had Toast and a Sausage Sandwich!) I made this!


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Art & Craft Review!

So Lizzie got to 3.5-4 months and got increasingly curious about her surroundings and need for constant stimulation for her developing mind, so I started to trawl the internet for things I could do with my baby and really I didn’t find a lot and was quite disheartened, everything was for toddlers+…I didn’t let that deter me though and was determined I could adapt things to work for us, so we started with painting – Initially it was all about the cool, smooth, squidginess and the bright colours to captivate her interest, but it soon became more as she explored with hands AND feet and made bright, colourful pictures which we have hung on the wall and kept in a big book 🙂

baby painting 2

painting 3

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